Front Page: One Step At A Time: Patience, Dialogue Help Produce Successful Community Revitalizations

TORONTO, January 18, 2014 – Described officially as “planned communities” due to their size and scope, most neighborhood projects incorporate a variation of condos, affordable housing, public spaces, community centres, parks and shops encouraging residents to meet and mingle. Some of these include ELAD’s Parkway Forest & Emerald City, DUNDEE-KILMER’s Canary District and STREETCAR’s The Carnaby.

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The Mikey Network Saves Lives

TORONTO, JANUARY 17, 2014 – In June 2002 while playing golf, Mike Salem, a partner at The Heron Group of Companies and Heathwood Homes, experienced sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and did not survive. In 2003, Mike Salem’s colleagues decided that the best way to pay tribute to him was to offer other people the second chance at life that he did not have — and The Mikey Network was born.

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