TORONTO, August 10, 2010…The Canadian Society for Yad Vashem’s “True Heroes Tribute Gala” will take place on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 in Toronto, at the Allstream Centre, Exhibition Place, 2010 Princes Blvd.
National Chair of the Canadian Society for Yad Vashem Fran Sonshine explained the significance of the Gala for Canadians: “It is the Society’s belief that the actions represented by the Gala’s Righteous Among the Nations honourees stand as a model of how peoples of different faiths, beliefs and backgrounds can put aside their differences and act in accordance with the basic humanity that unites us all.”
During the event, three non-Jewish Canadians- from Ontario, Quebec and Prince Edward Island – will be recognized as Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem, on behalf of the State of Israel. Righteous Among the Nations denotes non-Jewish individuals who, during the Holocaust, risked themselves and their families’ lives and safety in order to save Jews, without any monetary compensation or other rewards.
Among the Gala’s invited guests are the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney; the Chairman of the Yad Vashem Directorate  Avner Shalev, Holocaust Survivors, Canadian community leaders and individuals of all faiths and cultural affiliations.
Ed Sonshine and John Tory are the Event Co-Chairs; Fred Waks is the Dinner Chair. Steering Committee Members include Felicia Posluns, Jeff Ross, Irit Shay, Beth Singer, Liora Yakubowicz, Nelly Zagdanski and Sara Zagdanski.
Executive Director of the Canadian Society for Yad Vashem Yaron Ashkenazi added, “The Righteous Among The Nations title has become a revered worldwide term of honour denoting a unique form of human heroism and of choosing good in the face of evil during the Second World War.  As such, I believe the honourees’ actions will convey a transformative and inspirational message to the Gala’s attendees, which reflects a cross-section of our multicultural population.”

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